Monday, March 23, 2009

Pimping Eclipse Ganymede

Today I decided to try the new Eclipse Ganymede (3.4), but honestly after setting up Eclipse with all the plugins that I am used to have at hand right away, upgrading it to a new version doesn't seem so appealing to me, on the other hand, I'm open to new functionalities and enhancements and I was curious about javaFX (it requires the new Eclipse) and its possibilities to use the same code for a RIA in a browser, mobile or desktop, so this was enough for me.

As usual downloading and installing Eclipse couldn't be easier, so after doing it I started thinking about my favorite plugins and noticed how it is always a problem for me to remember them , so it seemed useful to create this list and share it with the world.

  • Eclemma: is a Java code coverage tool for Eclipse that allows the user to adopt EMMA's philosophy in an easier and more graphical way.

    • Update site:

  • Jar Class finder: allows the user to find Java classes and solve NoClassDefFound exceptions, specially useful while searching for a class inside a group of jars.

    • Download site:

  • DBviewer: this plugin lets you view the database structure (schema/tables/column), execute queries and includes content assistant, among other features.

    • Download site:

  • Subclipse: an open source plugin to provide support for Subversion inside Eclipse. A great asset for Linux users since there is no equivalent to Tortoise yet.

    • Update site:

  • m2eclipse: is the Maven integration for Eclipse, takes care of the dependency management and automatic download, plus launching Maven builds.

    • Update site:

  • Origo Mylin connector: if you are working on a task-focused project using Mylin, this connector will let you use Origo as the open/closed source hosting site.

    • Update site:

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